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Mobilgard 12 Series
文章来源:捷佳盛    时间:2014-02-27 11:53:38
Mobilgard 12 Series

Mobilgard™ 12 Series

Diesel Engine Oils

Product Description

Mobilgard™ 12 Series by ExxonMobil are high performance diesel engine oils developed for use in trunk piston engines operating on low sulphur distillate fuels in marine and industrial applications. They are formulated to have excellent resistance to oxidation and viscosity increase over a long period of service. They have superior water separating properties and provide excellent corrosion protection.

Features and Benefits

Mobilgard 12 Series is formulated with base oils having proven successful performance in diesel engines. The additive system is balanced to provide excellent resistance to thermal degradation under moderately severe operating conditions. They also provide good engine cleanliness and superior wear protection.

When used as recommended, Mobilgard 12 Series oils provide the following features and potential benefits:


Features Advantages and Potential Benefits
Excellent thermal and oxidation stability Extended periods between inspections, overhaul and cleaning
Improved antiwear properties Reduced ring and liner wear
Excellent TBN reserve and retention Increased protection against corrosive wear
Excellent detergency/dispersancy properties Increased oil service life
            Cleaner engines



The Mobilgard 12 Series diesel engine oils are intended for use as cylinder and bearing lubricants in marine and industrial diesel engines operating on distillate fuels or light fuel blends. They are particularly effective in small bore, high speed engines in fishing fleets; in new, severe service engines; and in many types of medium speed engines. They may be used as crankcase lubricants in large crosshead type diesel engines operating on high sulphur fuels. Mobilgard 512 is recommended occasionally by some builders as running-in oil for crosshead type engines.

Typical Properties

312 412 512
SAE Grade 30 40 50
Specific Gravity at 15ºC 0.896 0.899 0.903
Flash Point, ºC, ASTM D 92 266 272 282
Pour Point, ºC, ASTM D 97 -9 -9 -9
Viscosity, ASTM D 445
cSt, at 40ºC 108 142 219
cSt, at 100ºC 12.0 14.5 19.4
Viscosity Index, ASTM D 2270 100 100 100
TBN, mg KOH/g, ASTM D 2896 15 15 15
Sulphated Ash, wt%, ASTM D 874 2.1 2.1 2.1


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